Commercial Blend 商用咖啡豆
Heba Heba Signature Commercial Blend 1. Signature 004 2. Special Blend 特級綜合 3. Royal Medium...
Flavour Drip Bag Coffee 風味掛耳咖啡
Try out our 6 signature Drip Bag Coffee 1. Vanilla coffee 香草 2. Coconut...
Heba Heba Signature
Signature Blend Box of 5 Medium Roast with Selected Farm from :...
Heba_Heba Tea Selection
Fruit Tea Floral Tea Herbal Tea Heba Heba Signature Blend Tea Traditional...
Mixed Flavour Drip Bag Box Set 綜合風味掛耳咖啡套装
A Box of 6 Signature Flavour Drip Coffee. 綜合風味: 一盒6包裝 a. Vanilla...
OEM / Collaborate / Wholesale
Welcome to our brand-building services! We're excited to collaborate with you to...